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Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is a common injury we see at Feet Option Podiatry. It affects many people regardless of their age or level of activity. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments supporting the ankle stretch beyond their normal range or tear due to an abrupt twist or turn. Sometimes, the pain and swelling can be mistaken for a broken ankle. It’s important to get an ankle sprain attended to quickly so that you can heal easily without causing further injury.

What Causes an Ankle Sprain?

Any unwanted pressure on the tendons around the ankle can cause a sprain. Other than your common sport-related injury, an ankle sprain can happen for many reasons, including:

  • Making a sudden change in direction or pivot that overstretches the ligament.
  • Landing awkwardly on the foot after jumping or pivoting.
  • Walking or exercising on an uneven surface that causes the ankle to twist.
  • A fall that forces an ankle to twist.
  • Unsuitable footwear.
  • Another person stepping or landing on one’s foot during sports or other activities.
  • Weakened muscles of the ankle that are not strong enough to hold one’s weight during activities.

How Does Feet Option Podiatry Treat an Ankle Sprain?

We approach ankle sprains by assessing how affected the ankle is and treating it with the necessary steps. A treatment plan will be made during your first appointment, noting the degree of the injury, pain management requirements, and the steps towards recovery. Some tailored treatments we may use include:

  • Rest: Limiting using the ankle to prevent further injury and encourage healing.
  • Ice therapy: Applying ice to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Compression: Applying an elastic bandage or support to compress the ankle, reduce swelling, and provide stability.
  • Elevation: Keeping the injured ankle raised above heart level to minimise swelling.
  • Ankle exercises: Once healing progresses, gentle exercises to restore flexibility and strength.
  • Orthotic devices: Insoles, footwear, or braces to support the ankle during recovery and prevent future sprains.
  • Pain relief: Advising on suitable pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Physical therapy: For specialised treatment such as massage or further exercises.
  • Injury prevention: Guidance on how to avoid future injuries through proper footwear, training modifications, and lifestyle changes.

Suspecting You Have an Ankle Sprain?

Ankle sprains are common and can be easily treated with proper care. See an experienced podiatrist to assess the extent of your ankle sprain and get the necessary treatments. If you’re experiencing mild to moderate discomfort before seeing a podiatrist, you can use panadol or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication (as directed) to alleviate swelling and pain. Any unbearable pain should be seen by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Ankle sprains can be further injured if left untreated or incorrectly treated. Be sure to reduce your activities until you seek professional advice.

Book An Appointment

Call our friendly team today to book an appointment to attend to your sprained ankle. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for the best healing process possible. Our tailored treatments are specific to ensure your ankles get only the treatment they need and nothing that they don’t. You can also book an appointment online through our booking system.

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