(07) 3088 7638
or Toowoomba (07) 4690 7000
Peroneal tendonitis develops when the tendons located on the outer ankle bone and side of the outer foot become irritated and inflamed. It can make day-to-day mobility painful and cause redness and swelling. This common condition can flare up due to overuse of the tendons or injury such as a sprain. In some cases, ankle supports such as custom bracing may be used to reduce the use of the tendons and allow them to recover properly.
At Feet Option Podiatry, we thoroughly assess your ankle to determine the diagnosis and develop a comprehensive treatment plan that suits the severity of your peroneal tendonitis. In some cases, an MRI may be necessary to help with the diagnosis. To get your ankle back to its best, our podiatrists may prescribe some of the following treatments tailored to the extent of your peroneal tendonitis:
Rest, ice, and elevate your foot intermittently until a podiatrist can see you if you suspect you have peroneal tendonitis. Reducing your activity load is essential to limit the tendons from being further impacted. Peroneal tendonitis can be managed and healed; however, it is important that a podiatrist sees your ankle to ensure an accurate assessment, diagnosi